Team management – discussion 4

Team management – discussion 4.

Part 1: Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence

A.    What are some of the possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? In addition to those cited in the opening of Chapter 6, what are some other examples of how team communication problems can lead to disaster?

B.      Revisit communication failure examples in Exhibit 6-1. Identify the possible causes of communication or decision-making failure in each example, and, drawing on the information presented in the chapter, discuss  measures that might have prevented problems from arising within each team’s communication system.

Part 2: Team Decision-Making: Pitfalls and Solutions

A.    What are the key symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink? 

B.    Do you think that individuals or groups are better decision-makers? Justify your choice. In what situations would individuals be more effective decision-makers than groups, and in what situations would groups be better than individuals?

Pages: 2

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Below are some references. and also I am including chapter 6 and chapter 7 in the word document.

Making The Team (5th Edition) by Thompson – Chapters 6 and 7.

Klein, C., Diaz Granados, D., Salas, E., Le, H., Burke, C. S., Lyons, R., & Goodwin, G. F. (2009). Does team building work? Small Group Research, 40(2). 181-222.

Gorman, J. C., Cooke, N. J., & Amazeen, P. G. (2010). Training adaptive teams. Human Factors, 52(2). 295-307.

Team management – discussion 4

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