Unit 2: : case study

Unit 2: : case study.


Case Study Introduction

In units 2-7 of the course, students will read and then assess organizational behaviors though a case study approach. The specific business cases presented offer real-world instances of leadership, decision-making, and predictive behavior assessment. Cases are included with the course text and purposefully selected to reinforce strategic, critical-thinking, and problem-solving competencies. Students will provide a graduate-level analysis of the case, as well as respond to specific questions in APA formatted, formal compositions. Submissions must be an attachment in Microsoft Word format (not copied and pasted into the assignment folder comments or as a PDF) and submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT), on Sunday, in units 2-7. Specific criteria can be found in the directions for assignment as well as the grading rubric for case studies.

Case Study 6.1: Netflix Neck et al. Chapter 6


What does it mean to be a game-changer? In 2012, an internal PowerPoint at Netflix outlining new employee practices achieved “viral” status. Sandberg, the organization’s COO said it “may well be the most important document ever to come out of [Silicon] Valley.” As you read Case Study 6.1: Netflix in Chapter 6 of the Neck et al. textbook consider what was revealed in that PowerPoint? Was the content innovative or simply a “commonsense” approach to the contemporary work environment?

Click for Unit Learning Outcomes


Following a careful review of the assigned course materials for this unit, read Case study 6.1: Netflix in the Neck et al. textbook. The case is in Chapter 6. Then, draft a formal academic composition in which you respond to the questions posed at the end of the reading.

The responses should reflect higher level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). Students should consider the demands made of decision-makers, as their choices can impact stakeholders within the organization and in the external marketplace. No minimum number of references exists for this assignment, but appropriate business (no Investopedia, Wikipedia, etc.) and scholarly sources must be utilized to support the analysis. Opinion is insufficient to demonstrate a graduate-level understanding of the course materials and topics.

Submission Requirements

  • The submission will not exceed three (3) pages in length, excluding the title and references pages.
  • The essay must adhere to the APA writing style and follow conventions of American English grammar and usage
  • The final document should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file, and submitted as an attachment.

Unit 2: : case study

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