Week 5 discussion 1 | EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education | Ashford University

Week 5 discussion 1 | EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education | Ashford University.


This metacognitive forum is intended to help you develop intentional learning practices. It is an opportunity to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. You are welcome to reference any of the required or supplementary materials, videos, or instructor guidance as well as anything in the text that was not covered in the discussions.

Complete the following sentence starters to create your post:

  • One new or interesting thing I learned last week was… I found it interesting because…
  • One thing that went well for me last week was…
  • Something I could have done differently last week was… This week I will…
  • After reading the materials and completing last week’s assignments, I’d like to learn more about…

Your initial post is due no later than Day 1, and it must be a minimum of 150 words (including the sentence starters). You will not be able to see the posts of your peers until you have posted in this forum. 

Week 5 discussion 1 | EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education | Ashford University

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