Wk 5 – signature assignment: capital management presentation

Wk 5 – signature assignment: capital management presentation.

Assignment Content

  1. Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation in which you:

    NOTE: I want to provide clear guidance on the expectations for this final INDIVIDUAL assignment.

A. In terms of CONTENT, make sure you include the following:

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation in which you cover the following objectives :

  • Evaluate effective working capital management techniques.
  • Evaluate alternative capital projects.
  • Analyze risks associated with capital projects.
  • Describe the decision-making factors in lease versus buy.
  • Describe the effect of financing strategies on the cost of capital.
  • Describe the benefits and risks of debt financing.

B. In terms of FORMAT and STYLE, make sure that you follow these rules:

  1. Include speaker notes.
  2. Use each one of the aforementioned objectives as the title of each slide.
  3. Optimize the body of the slide with quality content and avoid just the use of a clip or image without textual content.
  4. Use a common theme on the slides throughout the presentation of graphics, color, font, background, format, and style.
  5. Include a Table of Contents (which is not the same as an Introduction), Agenda, or Objectives slide after the title slide and before the Introduction slide.
  6. Include a clear Introduction and Conclusion slides.
  7. Avoid blocks of sentences or paragraphs on the slides. For slides, use bullet points with the 6 x 6 Rule in mind. One thought per line with no more than 6 words per line and no more than 6 lines per slide.
  8. Do not use bullet points in the references. The second and all subsequent lines of references should be indented or hanging. Remove all bullet points from the references.
  9. On the title slide, include the location where you submitted the presentation right below your name on the title slide. In this case; University of Phoenix.
  10. Insert a question slide after the conclusion and before the reference slide to indicate the end of the presentation and to engage the audience. The slide should consist a of clip art with a question mark.

Wk 5 – signature assignment: capital management presentation

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