Assignment 1 | Marketing homework help

Assignment 1 | Marketing homework help.


In this assignment, you will create a Positioning Statement and Motto for one (1) of the following brands: Alfa Romeo, Hewlett Packard, Subway, or Sony.

Select only one (1) brand. Use the information listed, as well as your own research, to assess the brand by completing the provided template. At the end of the template, be sure to develop what you believe would be a new or better positioning statement and motto for the brand.

Click here to download the required template. (attached to the question)

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 1 submission link.

*Remember to only select one (1) brand from the options below (click on Option A, B, C, and D to view each available brand).

  • Option A 
  • Option B 
  • Option C 
  • Option D



Subway’s 2013 Mission Statement
“To provide the tools and knowledge to allow entrepreneurs to compete successfully in the Fast Food industry worldwide, by consistently offering value to consumers through providing great tasting food that is good for them and made the way they want it.”

Subway’s Vision
Our vision is to make our restaurants and operations as environmentally and socially responsible as possible.

Assignment 1 | Marketing homework help

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