Deliverable 6 – corporate culture and change

Deliverable 6 – corporate culture and change.



This competency will allow you to investigate the influence leaders have on business culture and how it can impact change.


In your continued role as NoJax’s organizational behavior consultant, you will examine their culture and how management can help employees adjust to change. You will need to use the management profiles in the company background document to analyze leadership traits and styles. NoJax needs you to write a report of their company’s culture and how change may impact employees and their relationship with management.

  • Assess the company’s culture and provide your analysis, including the relationships between management and employees.
  • Identify the company’s structure and explain how it impacts the culture.
  • Provide an analysis of management leadership traits and leadership styles. Assess how those traits and styles may be impacting the company’s culture.
  • How might a change in structure or management style impact the culture and employees?


Grading Rubric

FFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedNo assessment of company culture or analysis of relationships between management and employees.Assessed company culture but offered no analysis of relationships between management and employees.Assessed company culture and offered vague analysis of relationships between management and employees.Assessed company culture and offered detailed analysis of relationships between management and employees.Not SubmittedNo identification of company structure or explanation of how it impacts the culture.Identified company structure but no explanation of how it impacts the culture.Identified company structure but explanation of how it impacts the culture lacked detail.Identified company structure and explanation of how it impacts the culture provided good detail.Not SubmittedNo analysis of leadership traits and leadership styles. No assessment of how those traits and styles may be impacting the company’s culture.Provided a good analysis of leadership traits and leadership styles. The assessment of how those traits and styles may be impacting the company’s culture was missing.Provided a good analysis of leadership traits and leadership styles. The assessment of how those traits and styles may be impacting the company’s culture was vague.Provided a good analysis of leadership traits and leadership styles. The assessment of how those traits and styles may be impacting the company’s culture was detailed.Not SubmittedNo identification of how change in structure or management style may impact the culture or employees.Identified how change in structure may impact the culture or employees but nothing about how change in management style may impact the culture or employees.Identified some elements of how change in structure may impact the culture or employees and a few elements about how change in management style may impact the culture or employees.Identified many elements of how change in structure may impact the culture or employees and about how change in management style may impact the culture or employees. 

Deliverable 6 – corporate culture and change

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