Proposal critique | ENG 316 Technical Writing (Required for IT or IS) | Strayer University

Proposal critique | ENG 316 Technical Writing (Required for IT or IS) | Strayer University.


In this assignment, you will be rewriting and critiquing the proposal provided in the document, A Proposal Template [DOCX]. There are at least six improvements to be made in the document. Your job is to identify the six improvements and then, using track changes, rewrite or fix the errors. Also, using the comments tool, give a brief explanation to why it is wrong and why you fixed it the way you did.


  • This is a formal proposal. This means you should be reviewing and editing the proposal with an eye toward global issues: organization, professional tone, readability, relevance, et cetera.
  • Refer to your textbook as a need to review how considerations such as organization, professional tone, readability, relevance, et cetera may need to be approached differently in a proposal compared to other forms of technical writing you have demonstrated in this course.
  • There will be local errors to fix, but do not lose sight of the global issues that impact the proposal’s coherence and professionalism.

Note: If your word processing program does not have track changes, you will need to insert comments in brackets using red font at the improvement location.

In your document, you should:

  • Identify at least six proposal weaknesses using track changes.
  • Include a critique paragraph of at least 150 words at the end of the document that summarizes the weaknesses.
  • Discuss improvements for each of the weaknesses in your critique.
  • Ensure both the comments and critique are concise and error-free.

Proposal critique | ENG 316 Technical Writing (Required for IT or IS) | Strayer University

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