Evaluating the role of motivation in interventions aiming to help

Evaluating the role of motivation in interventions aiming to help.


write a research plan of no more than 6,000 words outlining how you would plan to conduct a mixed method study (using quantitative & qualitative methods) aimed at answering the under listed research 

Evaluating the role of motivation in interventions aiming to help people stop smoking.

Tobacco dependence is a global epidemic. It has been estimated that cigarette smoking will claim the lives of 500 million people alive today and as many as one billion people in the 21st century (World Health Organization, 2008). Although clinical interventions for smoking cessation are promising, long-term abstinence rates remain low (Brandon, Vidrine, & Litvin, 2007). Hence, it is essential that research continues to explore possible clinical and other treatments for tobacco dependence. Motivational interviewing (MI), for instance, is an innovative therapeutic approach for promoting behavioral change that is being increasingly applied to smoking cessation. Helping smokers to quit involves 2 processes–motivating smokers to attempt to quit and helping them to stop once they try. At any given time, only about 10% of smokers are planning to quit in the next month, 30% are contemplating to quit in the next 6 months, 30% plan to quit at some unknown time, and 30% have no plans to quit; thus, the large majority of clinician interventions involve motivating smokers to try to stop.

Evaluating the role of motivation in interventions aiming to help

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