Strategic audit for amazon | Business & Finance homework help

Strategic audit for amazon | Business & Finance homework help.


CEO Project – Walmart Inc.

two parts

1. current situation (2 pages)

3. external environment and exhibit 1 (8 pages and exhibit)

    a. natural environment

    b. societal environment

    c. task environment 

You will be selecting a Fortune 500 company of your choice and using the Strategic Audit as the template to create a formal strategic plan. Your team needs to choose a company that is a business-to-consumer firm, produces a tangible product (not a service) and is not a complex conglomerate like GE or Disney. Keep it simple and select a company that is fun, dynamic and is one you ought to study in business school. 

The purpose of this assignment is for you to not only master the discipline of thinking strategically, but also for you to have a great sample from your academic training to showcase for potential employers and other decision makers that may influence your immediate career. In short, you will perform a comprehensive strategic analysis and implementation plan of the firm’s general strategy to achieve its short and long-term goals and objectives. We will use the Strategic Audit as a guide to build your grand strategy. Remember, you will be performing the assignment from the perspective of the CEO and you will design a strategy that takes into account every aspect of the firm’s history, vision and mission, market and financial positions, culture, and values.

– double spaced, professional formatting, business quality, spiral bound (not including attachments) 

  three minimum quality references (journal articles, key books, reports, etc.) (APA) 

  Submitted on time and via safe assignment

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