750 words paper | Sociology homework help

750 words paper | Sociology homework help.

Personal Statement: (required; 750 word limit; upload)

Please review and answer Option A or B. You may only submit one essay. Limited to 750 words.

The last decade has seen the rise of social media and the decline of traditional news sources. According to Rebekah Iliff, Chief Strategy Officer for AirPR (2014), “the implications of technology and other various drivers (the economic downturn and self-publishing, for example) have affected PR in ways that have yet to fully be discovered.” 

Option A: Please read the quote above and write an essay that explains how you see public relations changing in the face of these and other trends and what public relations professionals can do to adapt.  We recommend that you use outside sources, as well as personal insight and experience, to support your argument.

Option B: Please read the quote above and identify and describe a public relations campaign or crisis within the corporate or nonprofit sector that attempts to adapt to the new landscape/environment? Please explain how you would have improved the campaign or effectively managed the crisis. We recommend that you use outside sources, as well as personal insight and experience, to support your argument.

750 words paper | Sociology homework help

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