Assignment 2 | Science homework help

Assignment 2 | Science homework help.


Meal Planning for Carbohydrates 


Part   A

Please   respond to the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. This   section should be at least 200 words.

· What is meant by the AMDR, and what is   this range for carbohydrates?

· How does the type of carbohydrate impact   health?

· What is one negative health impact from   carbohydrate intake?

· What is one positive health impact from   carbohydrate intake?

Part   B

Here   is a sample one-day menu for Mr. Brown. His doctor just told him to cut   down on added sugars in addition to increasing his fiber intake.   He hopes to meet with a dietitian next week, but in the meantime needs some   help making these changes. List five suggestions for Mr. Brown’s diet. Make   sure to provide only changes that address the meal planning goals mentioned   above. Tell him which food(s) you would have him omit and how you would   replace these items. You may also change portion sizes. Highlight (yellow   only, please) or bold the item you are changing. Then write the change next   to that. You may make more than five changes, but if you do so, you will only   receive full credit when all changes correctly match the assigned directions.

  1 cup sugar-frosted flake cereal
  8 oz 1% milk
  8 oz orange juice
  2 scrambled eggs

  1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich (1 slice white bread, 1 TBSP Skippy   peanut butter, 1 TBSP grape jelly)

  8 oz tomato soup
  6 Saltine crackers
  1 turkey sandwich (3 oz turkey, 2 slices white bread)
  1/2 cup canned pears in heavy syrup
  8 oz grape juice

  6 oz fruited yogurt, sweetened
  1 oz almonds

  5 oz BBQ chicken
  1 medium baked potato with 1 TBSP butter
  1/2 cup cooked broccoli
  8 oz cola
  4 oz 1% milk

  1/2 cup chocolate ice cream

 RESOURCES- Use what is applicable

Read: An introduction to Nutrition( Primary resource)-attached

Sect 3.1 ­4.7: p. 128-­232

Focus on: 

Sect 3.1 ­3.5: p. 130-­162 

Sect 4.1 : p. 169­-174 

Sect 4.4: p. 194-201 

Sect 4.7: p. 218­-230

1. The Mayo Clinic on carbohydrates: “Most aren’t bad, but some are healthier than others.”

2. This article from the Mayo Clinic provides an in-depth look into artificial sweeteners: their uses, their potential benefits, and their potential risks.

3. this online resource presents the theory about human ability to tolerate lactose.

4. Go to the American Diabetes Association website.

When you get there, click on Diabetes Basics. It is directly above the pea-green box. When you get there, click on Diabetes Basics Home. Read the information there.

To learn about the Statistics in Diabetes, click on Diabetes Statistics. When you are doing your reading, focus on the following:

Overall Numbers, Diabetes and Prediabetes

Diabetes in Youth

Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity

Complications/Co-Morbid Conditions

To find out about the symptoms of diabetes, click on Symptoms. Read the information there.

To find out about the following, look at Diabetes Basics:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Food and fitness are important parts of diabetes control and treatment. Click on Food and Fitness at the top of the page. It is just below Donate Now.

Go to the Food and Fitness home page and click on the following links. Read the information there:


Planning Meals

What Can I Eat?

Visit the FDA Supplements resource page at .

What You Need to Know about Dietary Supplements

Other resources related to Nutrition, Daily Requirements and Supplements

Assignment 2 | Science homework help

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