Biblical worldview | EDUC 504 – Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Liberty University

Biblical worldview | EDUC 504 – Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Liberty University.


Write a 4-page paper in current APA format that conveys your understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education. Also, discuss the implications of these principles in their application to educational practice. Page length requirement begins with the introductory paragraph and ends with the conclusion; it includes neither the title page nor the reference page. An abstract is not required. In addition to the Bible, cite a minimum of four references that represent the body of literature supporting and explaining biblical worldview and Christian philosophy of education. No more than 10% of the paper is to include direct quotes; therefore, you should do much more summarizing and paraphrasing than quoting. Citations are required both for direct quotes and for summarized ideas drawn from references. The format of the paper is to include the sections below with headings that follow current APA format. 

· Title Page

· Introduction

Present a strong, clear thesis statement. The focus of this paragraph is to introduce the reader to the thesis statement. The remainder of the paper should support and illustrate the main point(s) of the thesis statement. 

· Biblical Worldview

Based upon your readings of the Bible and literature on the topic of biblical worldview, convey a basic understanding of the elements of a worldview that is based distinctively on a perspective of life drawn from Judeo-Christian scriptures. Do not focus on the field of education in this section. A common error is for writers to neglect the discussion of a biblical worldview by focusing too much on the field of education, which is to be addressed in subsequent sections of the paper.   

· Christian Philosophy of Education

Based upon your readings of the Bible and literature on the topic of Christian philosophy of education, convey a basic understanding of the elements of an educational philosophy that is based distinctively on a perspective drawn from Judeo-Christian scriptures. Address metaphysical and axiological issues. Metaphysical issues relate to questions of meaning and purpose. Axiological issues relate to questions of values. Minimize the discussion of practical application to the field of education in this section. A common error is for writers to neglect the discussion of a Christian philosophy of education by focusing too much on the implications for educational practice, which will be addressed in the subsequent section. 

· Implications for Educational Practice

Discuss the implications of a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy for practical application to the overall field of education. Ensure that you discuss these implications for the field in general, but you may also proceed to specify implications for your particular area of interest. For example, if you are preparing to serve as a content area teacher, a special education teacher, an administrator, or a school counselor, you may—after addressing implications for the overall field of education—address implications for your area of service.

· Conclusion

An effective conclusion affirms the thesis statement and leaves the reader with a clear idea of how thoughts in the paper fit together to make a specific point.

· Reference Page

List here at least 4 references in addition to the Bible. One your references is to be the course textbook. 

Biblical worldview | EDUC 504 – Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Liberty University

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