Blog 2 | Science homework help

Blog 2 | Science homework help.

Two hundred years ago, the average American ate 2 lbs of sugar per year.  In 1970, we ate 123 lbs per year.  Today, the average American eats 152 lbs of sugar in a year ( What are the consequences of eating all that sugar? Describe how added sugars contribute to health problems. Offer your classmates some advice to lower their sugar intake. Provide references and cite them in APA style.  Read the guidelines for writing blogs before completing this blog and make sure you reply to two classmates to get full credit.

INTRUCTIONS:  Give your blog a title that the reader cannot resist.

2. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.

3. Answer the questions, share your experience and deliver advise.

4. Close with a Motivational Bang

5. Polish your paper: Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation, justify your margins, double space, use a standard font like Arial or Times New Roman #12.

6. Cite information, provide a reference using APA style. Remember to reference the video the blog is based on and your book, if you use it.

7. It is a Blog so writing is expected.  Don’t just add a link with one sentence; this is not blogging.

8. Do not use bullets or numbers.  Make sure your blog has an introduction, at least 3 supporting paragraphs and a conclusion that renders advise to the reader.

*Papers without references will automatically receive a grade of a D.

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Blog 2 | Science homework help

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