Busi 650 ilp- final due 10/10/2019

Busi 650 ilp- final due 10/10/2019.



Integrative Learning Project – Final 


You will submit a final version of your Integrative Learning  Project. It must be at least 16 pages and incorporate at least 15  sources. Review the Integrative Learning Project – General Instructions  document to ensure you have included all major aspects of the project.

Submit the Integrative Learning Project – Final by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Carefully  review the rubric prior to submission of your assignment.  Compare your  final submission to each specific category of the rubric.  

Integrative Learning Project – Final 


Submit the Integrative Learning Project – Final by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool


Integrative Learning Project – General Instructions

For the Integrative Learning Project (ILP), you will research a particular, authentic company/industry or a fabricated company/industry. The ILP must be written in current APA format and must include the following major elements:

  • Title      Page
  • Table      of Contents
  • Abstract
  • Organizational      Setting
  • Integration of Chapter Concepts to the Organizational      Setting
    • Select 8 different key concepts from the textbook that       seem to be most applicable to your organizational setting. Some examples of key concepts include supply       chain management, Six Sigma, innovation, etc. Provide an in-depth       discussion of each of your chosen key concepts and its application to       your organizational setting.
      • For each concept, provide a comprehensive        description, what benefit it may offer to your organization, and what        needs to be done in order to successfully implement this topic into your        organization.
      • For each concept, integrate appropriate biblical        references. Explain how these concepts magnify God’s plan for you.
    • This section of your project requires at least 14       pages of graduate-level content and analysis.
  • References: You must include at least 15 scholarly sources      formatted in current APA style. Each reference must be current, having      been published within the last 3 years, or, if older, must contribute      important information relevant to historical background.
  • Appendices: Include at least 3 well-developed and professional documents.      Appendices often include information that is somewhat confidential,      detail-oriented, and/or tends to change often. Some examples include:
    • Action       Planning: This specifies objectives, responsibilities, and timelines for       completion of objectives.
    • Description       of Strategic Planning Process Used: This describes the process used to       develop the plan, who was involved, the number of meetings, any major       lessons learned to improve planning, etc.
    • Strategic       Analysis Data: This includes information generated during the external       analysis (e.g., environmental scan) and internal analysis (e.g., SWOT       analysis). It also includes a list of strategic issues identified during       these analyses.


    • Goals for       Board and Chief Executive Officer: Goals of the board and CEO must be       directly aligned with goals identified during strategic planning. This appendix       will list goals for the board and can also include recommendations for       redesigning board committees associated with strategic goals. These can       be used (along with the CEO job description) to form the basis for       performance evaluations of the CEO.
    • Budget       Planning: This depicts both the resources as well as the required funding       for obtaining and using the resources needed to achieve the strategic       goals. Budgets are often depicted for each term of the year of the       strategic plan.
    • Operating       Plan: This describes the major goals and activities to be accomplished       over the coming fiscal year.
    • Financial       Reports: These include last year’s budget (with estimated expenses and       the actual amounts spent), this year’s current budget (again, with       estimated amounts and actual amounts spent), a balance sheet (or, in the       case of a nonprofit organization, a statement of financial position), an       income statement (or, in the case of a nonprofit organization, a       statement of financial activities), etc.
    • Monitoring       and Evaluation of Plan: This includes criteria for monitoring and       evaluating as well as the responsibilities and frequencies of monitoring       the implementation of the plan.
    • Communication       of Plan: This describes the actions that will be taken to communicate the       plan and/or portions of it and describes to whom the plan will be       communicated.

Submit the Integrative Learning Project – Final by 10:59 p.m. (CST) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Busi 650 ilp- final due 10/10/2019

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