Discussion 1 part 2 | Psychology homework help

Discussion 1 part 2 | Psychology homework help.

Before the twentieth century, sexuality was considered as a very private and highly judged subject. Religious leaders considered it as a moral issue but now, this presumption has undergone a huge change. Scientists have started viewing sexuality with their lenses, focusing mainly on the study and bifurcation of unusual and abnormal sexual behaviors. It was much later that they started studying the healthy human sexual functions. While the Internet serves as a medium for providing education and information, it is also a platform for sexual discussions and materials. It is after the huge volume of sexual material available on the Internet that the demands for government regulation increased and in 1996, the US Congress passed the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). The usage of computer networks for the purpose of transmitting obscene materials or images or placing indecent words was then made illegal as children might read or see them. But there still exists many websites that are dedicated to educate people about sexual safety and health.  

this is not a report but a discussion answering these 4 questions 

  • What is CDA (Communications Decency Act )? Explain.
  • What are the reasons behind the emergence of this act? Provide an analysis.
  • How does media and sexual material influence a small child?
  • Is transmitting sexual pictures or texting considered illegal? Why or why not?

Discussion 1 part 2 | Psychology homework help

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