discussion: prior proper planning prevents poor performance | HLTH 4000 – Introduction to Healthcare Management | Walden University

discussion: prior proper planning prevents poor performance | HLTH 4000 – Introduction to Healthcare Management | Walden University.


Discussion: Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

The six Ps in the title of this Discussion, “Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance,” indicate the value of planning. When healthcare leaders and managers carefully plan their goals and strategies for the long-term as well as the short-term and involve the right stakeholders and fully understand their perspectives, this helps the organization be more strategic in attaining its current and future goals.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider the role of the healthcare manager or leader in strategic planning in healthcare settings.
  • Review the case study provided in your course text: “The Case of the Warm Brownies”
By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • Using specific examples and support from the case study provided in your Learning Resources, describe the main challenges related to strategic planning in “The Case of the Warm Brownies” and explain why they are challenges.
  • Identify the key stakeholders in the case study. Then, explain the role, if any, each might take in strategic planning and why.
  • Explain the role of a healthcare leader or manager in meeting the needs of the various stakeholders, as well as meeting the goals of the strategic plan and organization.

discussion: prior proper planning prevents poor performance | HLTH 4000 – Introduction to Healthcare Management | Walden University

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