Essay assignment- how blockchain technology can be implemented to | Global Mkt & Blockchain Tech

Essay assignment- how blockchain technology can be implemented to | Global Mkt & Blockchain Tech.

Question-  how Blockchain technology can be implemented to reduce ad fraud and cost while meeting consumers’ increasing expectation for excellent customer service? 

1- Introduction

2- subject info

3- conclusion

4- References with proper citation with APA format

Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) detailing the how Blockchain technology can be implemented to reduce ad fraud and cost while meeting consumers’ increasing expectation for excellent customer service?

Reflection One (R1) is an essay assignment. 

Reading info


 How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott 

 YouTube URL: 

 Ad Fraud: What you need to know about the 7 billion dollar problem 

 YouTube URL:

 Marketing Live 2018: Marketing Innovations Keynote 

 YouTube URL: 

Essay assignment- how blockchain technology can be implemented to | Global Mkt & Blockchain Tech

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