Exp19_access_ch07_cap – replacement parts 1.0

Exp19_access_ch07_cap – replacement parts 1.0.


#Exp19_Access_Ch07_Cap – Replacement Parts 1.0

#Exp19 Access Ch07 Cap – Replacement Parts 1.0 

Start Access. Open the file named Exp19_Access_Ch07_Cap_Replacement_Parts.accdb. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

You’ll   begin by creating a basic form based on the Employees table.

  Select the Employees table and use the Form tool to create a new form. Change   the title to View Employees.   Delete the Orders subform.

It   is important for the staff to only be able to view the form and not make any   edits to the data provided in the form.

  Change the Allow Edits, Allow Additions, and Allow Deletions  settings to No.   View the form and data in Form view. Save the form as View Employees. Close the form.

For   those staff members that are permitted to edit employee data,  it is important   to control for the risk of human error. In this case,  we are concerned with   the Country field related to each employee. You  will create a table and enter   only the countries you would like your  staff to choose from into it.

  Create a new table in table design view. Name the first field Country and ensure the field is set as the   primary key. Switch to Datasheet view, saving the table as Countries. Enter two records, UK and USA   (in that order). Close the table.

Now,   you’ll update the Update Employees form so that the countries  that your staff   can choose from will be limited to those countries  that exist in your newly   created table.

  Open the Update Employees form in Design view. Change the Country  field to a   Combo Box. Set the Row Source to Countries and the Limit To  List property to   Yes.

You   will need to ensure that the tab order makes sense in the  Update Employees   form. This makes it easier for your staff to  use/navigate.

  Fix the tab order so the Postal Code field comes immediately before the   Country field. Save and close the form.

Adding   specific policies and/or procedures to various forms is one  of the best ways   to ensure that your staff sees then on a regular  basis and understands them.   You’ll add a note on the View Employees  form stating that the viewable data   is considered private and should  be handled with caution.

  Open the View Employees form in Design view. Add a new label  control in the   left-side of the form footer that displays the text Personnel information is considered private and printouts should   be shredded after use (do not include a period). Change the   font color to Black, Text 1 and bold the text. Save and close the form.

Summary   reports are great for providing company executives with  quick information.   You will create a report that lists the important  employee information to   your executives.

  Create a new report using the Report Wizard based on the Employees  table.   Select the FirstName, LastName, HireDate, and HomePhone fields,  in that   order. Accept all other default options.

Your   executives have asked to summarize the employee information by  who each   employee reports to. As such, you’ll add a grouping by the  ReportsTo field to   the report. You’ll also add a count to the footer  section of each group that   counts the number of employees that report  to each supervisor.

  Switch to Layout view. Add grouping by the ReportsTo field. Switch  to Design   view. Switch the option to with a footer section in the  Group, Sort, and   Total pane Use the pane to also display the count of  the First Name field in   the Group Footer section.

The   executives that each group of employees appears on a different  page. You’ll   add a page break in the footer section of each group.

  Add an Insert Page Break control at the bottom of the ReportsTo  footer. Decrease   the size of the Home Phone field label, by dragging  the right border so it   lines up with the 6-inch mark on the horizontal  ruler. Ensure that the label   width is set to as close to 1.08 inches  as possible. 

Finally,   you’ll need to calculate the number of years each employee  has been at the   company. Adding a text box to the report will allow  you to do so.

  Add a new Text Box control to the right of the HomePhone text box.  Use the   Tabular button in the Table group of the Arrange tab to place  it correctly.   Change the label for the field to Years Employed.

Add   a formula in the text box to calculate the number of years (not  days) since   the employee’s hire date, assuming the current date   is #12/31/2018#. Format the field as Standard with 1   decimal place. Save and close the report.

Close   the database, and submit the file as instructed.

Project Description:

The Human Resources Department asked you to assist them in updating  the database they are using. The department requires a form that can be  used to find information but not change information. In addition, you  will enhance an existing form and generate a report showing which  employees report to each supervisor.

Start Access. Open the file named Exp19_Access_Ch07_Cap_Replacement_Parts.accdb. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

You’ll   begin by creating a basic form based on the Employees table.

  Select the Employees table and use the Form tool to create a new form. Change   the title to View Employees.   Delete the Orders subform.

It   is important for the staff to only be able to view the form and not make any   edits to the data provided in the form.

  Change the Allow Edits, Allow Additions, and Allow Deletions  settings to No.   View the form and data in Form view. Save the form as View Employees. Close the form.

For   those staff members that are permitted to edit employee data,  it is important   to control for the risk of human error. In this case,  we are concerned with   the Country field related to each employee. You  will create a table and enter   only the countries you would like your  staff to choose from into it.

  Create a new table in table design view. Name the first field Country and ensure the field is set as the   primary key. Switch to Datasheet view, saving the table as Countries. Enter two records, UK and USA   (in that order). Close the table.

Now,   you’ll update the Update Employees form so that the countries  that your staff   can choose from will be limited to those countries  that exist in your newly   created table.

  Open the Update Employees form in Design view. Change the Country  field to a   Combo Box. Set the Row Source to Countries and the Limit To  List property to   Yes.

You   will need to ensure that the tab order makes sense in the  Update Employees   form. This makes it easier for your staff to  use/navigate.

  Fix the tab order so the Postal Code field comes immediately before the   Country field. Save and close the form.

Adding   specific policies and/or procedures to various forms is one  of the best ways   to ensure that your staff sees then on a regular  basis and understands them.   You’ll add a note on the View Employees  form stating that the viewable data   is considered private and should  be handled with caution.

  Open the View Employees form in Design view. Add a new label  control in the   left-side of the form footer that displays the text Personnel information is considered private and printouts should   be shredded after use (do not include a period). Change the   font color to Black, Text 1 and bold the text. Save and close the form.

Summary   reports are great for providing company executives with  quick information.   You will create a report that lists the important  employee information to   your executives.

  Create a new report using the Report Wizard based on the Employees  table.   Select the FirstName, LastName, HireDate, and HomePhone fields,  in that   order. Accept all other default options.

Your   executives have asked to summarize the employee information by  who each   employee reports to. As such, you’ll add a grouping by the  ReportsTo field to   the report. You’ll also add a count to the footer  section of each group that   counts the number of employees that report  to each supervisor.

  Switch to Layout view. Add grouping by the ReportsTo field. Switch  to Design   view. Switch the option to with a footer section in the  Group, Sort, and   Total pane Use the pane to also display the count of  the First Name field in   the Group Footer section.

The   executives that each group of employees appears on a different  page. You’ll   add a page break in the footer section of each group.

  Add an Insert Page Break control at the bottom of the ReportsTo  footer. Decrease   the size of the Home Phone field label, by dragging  the right border so it   lines up with the 6-inch mark on the horizontal  ruler. Ensure that the label   width is set to as close to 1.08 inches  as possible. 

Finally,   you’ll need to calculate the number of years each employee  has been at the   company. Adding a text box to the report will allow  you to do so.

  Add a new Text Box control to the right of the HomePhone text box.  Use the   Tabular button in the Table group of the Arrange tab to place  it correctly.   Change the label for the field to Years Employed.

Add   a formula in the text box to calculate the number of years (not  days) since   the employee’s hire date, assuming the current date   is #12/31/2018#. Format the field as Standard with 1   decimal place. Save and close the report.

Close   the database, and submit the file as instructed.

Exp19_access_ch07_cap – replacement parts 1.0

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