Homework Help
Lab 1 assignment – soil morphology
Lab 1 assignment – soil morphology.
Soils Lab 1 on soil morphology includes a review of the five soil forming factors and how they influence soil texture, soil structrure, and soil color. Assignment activities include conducting soil textural analysis by feel for two soils of your choice and questions from the lab material and lecture material from Soil Architechture and Physical Properties (Chapter 4).
- Download the attached laboratory assignment file.
- Study the information and review corresponding lecture and text materials.
- The introduction and information to complete the lab is included in the document with assignment questions at the end.
- Utilize lab information as well as lecture notes and text.
- Create a document with answers to the questions to be uploaded to the DropBox named ‘Soils Lab Assignment 1’.
- Include your name and exercise number at the top of the new document and include the questions with answers.
- You should name your file with your last name, underscore exercise number. For instance, a word file with my lab exercise 1 would be named ‘Pope_SoilsLab1.doc’.
- Acceptable file types include Office files as well as PDFs whichever is convenient for you.
- PLEASE NOTE, points will be deducted for not following these basic instructions.