Pesticide and antibiotic resistance | BIOL 1001 – Introduction to Biology | Walden University

Pesticide and antibiotic resistance | BIOL 1001 – Introduction to Biology | Walden University.


Post a proposal (at least two paragraphs long) for a strategy to address the antibiotic or pesticide resistance you selected. Your proposal should include the following:

  • A brief description of the resistance
  • A brief explanation of when and how the resistance occurred
  • A description of the impact of the resistance on human health
  • A strategy to address the impact of the resistance, including reasons why this strategy would be useful
  • References to at least two sources outside the Required Resources
  • All references cited in APA format

Additional Information 

You may consider your personal knowledge or experience regarding pesticide or antibiotic resistance. For example, you may be aware of a news story about a troublesome insect that is difficult to control with pesticides. Or, you may be aware of a friend or acquaintance that contracted an infection that did not respond well to antibiotics. You may draw upon your knowledge and experience to narrow your search for a topic for this Assignment.

Conduct additional research, focusing on either pesticide or antibiotic resistance. Choose one particular example of resistance to address in the Discussion. This week’s Optional Resources suggest websites where you could start your search.

Based on what you have learned about resistance and on the information you have gathered during your research, consider strategies that could address the resistance.

Pesticide and antibiotic resistance | BIOL 1001 – Introduction to Biology | Walden University

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