Psy 280 week 3 individual assignment middle childhood and adolescence

Psy 280 week 3 individual assignment middle childhood and adolescence.

Prepare a 950- to 1,150-word paper in which you describe changes that occur during middle childhood and adolescence concerning family and peer relationships, and how they might influence future development. Be sure to include the following items in your description:

Evaluate the effect of functional and dysfunctional family dynamics on development (e.g., family structure, function, and shared and nonshared environments).

Determine the positive and negative impact of peers and changes in peer relations from middle childhood to adolescence.

Examine additional pressures faced in adolescence compared to middle childhood.

Discuss the development of moral values from middle childhood into adolescence.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Psy 280 week 3 individual assignment middle childhood and adolescence

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