Research in history part 3

Research in history part 3.

** You must use the attached – Part 1 & 2 to complete this assignment!!

Research in History: Reinforcing Information Literacy

PART 3: Evaluate sources.

Summary: For this assignment, you will

· Review feedback from Part 2 and make appropriate corrections and revisions.

· Write a one-paragraph evaluation for each source.

· Write one additional paragraph describing the evaluation of sources.

Grades will be based on the quality of revisions to the research question, the source list, and the formatting, as well as the quality of the evaluation and the writing. 

The assignment will be graded according to the rubric provided.

Step 1: Review feedback

Review instructor feedback and refer to relevant tutorials in Parts 1 and 2 for additional help.

Step 2: Revise 

Revise research question. Type the revised research question into a Word document using the sample bibliography provided. Do not rewrite or resubmit Part 1 or Part 2.

Select new or additional sources, if needed. Follow the relevant steps in Parts 1 and 2 as well as recommendations from instructor feedback. All three sources should meet the requirements for the assignment.

Edit and revise the bibliography according to recommendations provided in the instructor feedback. Follow the relevant steps in Part 2 of the project.

You do NOT need to resubmit the form from Part 1 or the bibliography from Part 2. Instead, you will incorporate revisions into this assignment and submit a new document following the sample provided.

Step 3: Evaluate sources

For each of the three sources, write a one-paragraph evaluation. Explain how and why the source would be appropriate for research on your topic. Consider relevance and at least two other evaluation criteria as explained in the tutorials from Part 1. Type each paragraph just below the citation for the source it evaluates as shown on the sample bibliography for Part 3. Each paragraph will be 125-175 words for a total of 375-525 words.

Do not include the research question or the full titles of sources in the paragraph. If you need to refer to a book or article, use the author’s last name only. Do not write in first person (I, me, our) or in second person (you).

Step 4: Describe your work

Write a final paragraph (150-200 words) about evaluating sources for research. Consider the importance of evaluation as well as the process. Make specific reference to your own work on this assignment. 

Do not include the research question or the full titles of sources in the paragraph. If you need to refer to a book or article, use the author’s last name only. Do not write in first person (I, me, our) or in second person (you).

Finish and Submit

Review Steps 1-5 above. Check your work to make sure it is accurate and complete. Proofread your writing and formatting to eliminate mistakes.

Save your work as a Word document and submit it in Blackboard. 

Research in history part 3

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