supply chain security activity | Computer Science homework help

supply chain security activity | Computer Science homework help.


• You are a Security Manager for an Australian Government Agency. 

• You are looking to start using a cloud service provided by ACME Corporation 

• You are part of a team responsible to provide a recommendation to the Chief Executive whether the cloud service adequately meets ACSC’s cyber security requirements for cyber services based on supplier’s Cloud Security Alliance STAR Attestation. 

• Review three ACSC requirements against supplied reports and discuss with other team members (who reviewed other sections of ACSC requirements) what actions you would need to undertake (if any) to obtain sufficient comfort to recommend the supplier. 

• Supporting documents: 

• Supply Chain Security Activity.xlsx 

• CSA_CCM_ACME-Corp.xlsx 

• CAIQ_ACME_Corp.xlsx

supply chain security activity | Computer Science homework help

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