Week 2 writing notebook | ENG 121 English Composition I | Ashford University

Week 2 writing notebook | ENG 121 English Composition I | Ashford University.


Each week you will have an opportunity to practice different aspects of the writing process in this writing notebook. It consists of a template you will fill out and submit in Canvas. In addition to introducing and practicing targeted components of the writing process, these notebooks are meant to help you to determine your own strengths and identify opportunities for growth.

This week, the writing notebook focuses on essay structure.

Before you begin this week’s writing notebook, please read the Body Paragraphs (Links to an external site.) and Essay Structure (Links to an external site.) webpages from the Writing Center.

In the Week 2 Writing Notebook you will

  • Develop topic sentences that serve as a roadmap for essay creation

Follow the steps outlined below to complete this week’s writing notebook:

  • Download the Week 2 Writing Notebook Template below, which has been provided for you in both a Word document and a PDF file.
  • Complete all steps of the Essay Structure Activity in the Week 2 Writing Notebook, including the reflection step.

Week 2 writing notebook | ENG 121 English Composition I | Ashford University

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