Work breakdown structure | CMGT410 Project Planning And Implementation | University of Phoenix

Work breakdown structure | CMGT410 Project Planning And Implementation | University of Phoenix.


A project’s Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt chart provide structure for a project. In this week’s assignment you develop both the WBS and Gantt chart for a fictitious organization. The Manage Your Health, Inc (MYH) scenario will be used in the weekly assignments for the rest of the course.

Review the Manage Your Health Scenario and follow the directions below for completing a WBS and Gantt chart.

Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. Break down the work to Level 3 or Level 4, as appropriate. Use the Work Breakdown Structure Template and Work Breakdown Structure example in this text as guides. Upload the WBS in list form. The WBS should be based on the information that would be in a project scope of this scenario. You can review your project plan from Wk 1. 

Create a Gantt chart using the WBS you developed with Microsoft Excel or another software of your choice and approved by your instructor. Do not enter any durations or dependencies. 

Submit 2 deliverables: the WBS and Gantt Chart. 

Work breakdown structure | CMGT410 Project Planning And Implementation | University of Phoenix

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