Argument essay | English homework help

Argument essay | English homework help.

1.  Topic :  people shouldn’t be allowed to access social networks using the school Wi-Fi.

2.Must follow guideline (on file)

3. At lease 3 supportive sources. One must be from ( Turkle, Silver, Shirky, Browning, Kaplan, Tatum or Hudson on file) 

4. At least 5 paragraph (including: distract, waste time, money, out of touch with reality, body issue, low trust etc.) and one counterargument 

5. A least 5 pages in MLA8, not including Work Cited page

6. If you can do summarize and some highlight important things from those articles three of them ( Turkle, Silver, Shirky, Browning, Kaplan, Tatum or Hudson on file) I can pay you extra money ($10-20)

7. I am a ESL student so just use some simple words, this essay don’t have too professional 🙂

Argument essay | English homework help

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