Benchmark – humanities comprehensive assessment plan

Benchmark – humanities comprehensive assessment plan.

Need someone to complete a benchmark assignment by 1130pm 5/26/2021 Eastern Time. 


Assessing student learning is a vital part of the instructional process. The learning from each lesson must be assessed and the data used to inform future instruction.

Based on the lesson plan you developed in Topic 4, create a Comprehensive Assessment Plan using the “Humanities Comprehensive Assessment Plan Template.” The plan must include a formative assessment and a summative assessment, as well as remediation and reassessment procedures.

Formative Assessments

Create a formative assessment of 3-5 questions that could appear in this lesson. The formative assessments must:

  • Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways
  • Align with the selected content standard and the learning objective
  • Describe potential bias, and how you could minimize it
  • Describe how feedback will be provided to students

Summative Assessment

Create an 8-12 item summative assessment that could follow the lesson. Assessment must:

  • Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways
  • Align with the selected content standard and the learning objective
  • Describe a potential bias, and how you could minimize it
  • Describe how feedback will be provided to students

Remediation and Reassessment

For students who do not meet the minimum standards, remediation and reassessment is necessary. While this may not have any effect on the student’s grade, it is best practice for teachers to provide intervention and reassessment for students to have the opportunity to meet the standards.

Describe a remediation activity that would assist a student in meeting the standards. Explain how you would reassess to check for mastery of content.

While APA format is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected. In-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

Benchmark – humanities comprehensive assessment plan

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