Develop a personal budget using the main components of wise money

Develop a personal budget using the main components of wise money.


Assignment Instructions:

Using the information that has been provided in Chapter 5 on Mark’s financial situation, create 5 new budgets taking into account each of the following circumstances:

  1. Mark injures himself on the cross-trainer, and the doctor recommends a course of physical therapy.
  2. A neighbor and coworker suggest that he and Mark commute to work together.
  3. The roofers inform Mark that his chimney needs to be repainted and relined.
  4. Mark wants to give up tutoring and put more time into his memorabilia business.
  5. Mark wants to marry and start a family and needs to know when would be a good time.

Create this assignment using Microsoft Excel.  For each scenario, create a different version of the budget on a new tab in the same workbook.

Develop a personal budget using the main components of wise money

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