M02 – part 1: textbook assignment – storage management | IT Support | Marian University

M02 – part 1: textbook assignment – storage management | IT Support | Marian University.


From the end of chapter 9 in your Virtualization textbook: “As an administrator, you are given a single host server configured with four six-core processors, 256 GB of memory, and 1 TB of storage to deploy a number of virtual web servers. You have been told that each virtual machine will require 8 GB of memory, one processor, and 100 GB of disk storage. How many virtual machines will you able to deploy? What is the limiting factor?” Portnoy, Matthew. Virtualization Essentials.. [VitalSource].

Complete this assignment using a minimum of 250 words.

M02 – part 1: textbook assignment – storage management | IT Support | Marian University

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