Need in 3 hours 150 words

Need in 3 hours 150 words.


The student must access the Internet address or access the Jane Goodall Institute page and select one of the hundreds of Roots & Shoots projects developed in one of the countries in the world.

The student should read about the selected project, seek as much information as possible about it, and should (a) describe the project, (b) explain the purpose and impact on the community, as well as (c) explain the role of volunteering in the realization of the project.

To answer, the student must:

to. Use a maximum of 150 words

b. Choose font size 12 points Times New Roman or Arial

c. Separate lines to space and a half (1.5)

d. Validate your answer using at least two references

and. Include bibliography of references at the end of the forum

Need in 3 hours 150 words

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