Unit assessment 1 (mos 5101 accident and investigation) due aug 1, | MOS 5101 – Safety and Accident Prevention | Columbia Southern University

Unit assessment 1 (mos 5101 accident and investigation) due aug 1, | MOS 5101 – Safety and Accident Prevention | Columbia Southern University.


Discuss the organizational system that you believe would be the most effective for the safety officer in a medium-sized

(100-200 employees) manufacturing facility. Explain how you would balance the company’s requirements

for production and your job of providing a safe work environment.

Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.


The Acme Company lost 650 hours due to accidents on the job in the first quarter of the year. The average hourly

wage of the employees who contributed to the lost hours was $15.00. The company benefits add 25% to the

wages. Using the cost-of-lost-hours formula (employee hours lost X average loaded labor rate = cost), calculate

the direct cost of the lost work hours. Discuss the approach you would use to estimate the hidden costs that

would also be associated with the lost hours.

Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.


Explain the benefits that may result from obtaining a safety and health certification. Discuss which certification you

believe would be the most beneficial to your present job or a job you would like to have in the future. What do you

believe would be the biggest hurdle to you obtaining the certification?

Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.


Choose three organizations that you believe have had the greatest impact on the current state of safety and

health programs in the United States. Summarize the purpose of each organization, and discuss how you believe

you can use these organizations to improve your ability to perform your duties as a safety and health professional.

Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.

Unit assessment 1 (mos 5101 accident and investigation) due aug 1, | MOS 5101 – Safety and Accident Prevention | Columbia Southern University

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