Write a three to four (3 – 4) page paper (900 -1200 words) on

Write a three to four (3 – 4) page paper (900 -1200 words) on.


Write a three to four (3 – 4) page paper (900 -1200 words) on leadership development.  Include at least two credible outside sources, in addition to the assigned readings in this Unit’s resources . Credible outside sources include peer reviewed journal articles and professional publications. Your paper will discuss the elements of leadership development, what gets developed, how leaders learn, the various methods on how leaders develop.  Include an argument for what process you believe is most effective in developing leaders and also describe the criteria one should use to evaluate if leadership development programs are effective.

Examples of peer reviewed journals include:

  • Academy of Management Learning & Education
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Human Resource Management
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Public Administration Quarterly
  • Journal of Counseling & Development
  • Journal of Leadership Studies

Examples of professional journals include:

  • McKinsey Quarterly
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Fast Company
  • Fortune Magazine
  • Forbes
  • Inc.
  • strategy+business

3 Resources should be use included the one below:

Write a three to four (3 – 4) page paper (900 -1200 words) on

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