3-4 page due tonight 930pm est 9-24-2017

3-4 page due tonight 930pm est 9-24-2017.


Option #1: Moneyball Case Study (Exercise 8.3)

Read the “Moneyball” case study in the Managing Organizational Change textbook. Write a 3-4 page essay that thoroughly answers the five questions listed at the end of the case.

The Checklist-to-Success for this assignment:

  • Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed in the Module 5 Materials folder, to thoroughly understand the expectations for this assignment.
  • Review proper essay form: Include an introduction, the body of text, and a conclusion.
  • Develop a 3-4 page essay (title and reference pages do not count in the 3-4 page requirement).
  • Support your major points with citations from course materials and outside sources. Remember that you must cite facts and support your ideas and opinions with credible sources.
  •  To complete this assignment, citation of a minimum of three scholarly references other than the course textbook is required. 
  •  Your paper should be formatted with double spacing, citations, title page, reference page, and error less APA formatting.

3-4 page due tonight 930pm est 9-24-2017

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