Anger | Psychology homework help

Anger | Psychology homework help.

10-12 page paper, not including the title and reference pages. Paper will include brief summaries of the 6 to 8 articles focused on understanding your anger. Articles are provided in files. 

The summaries in this paper must be logically connected with clear articulations of how they are related to one another. This must be done via transition statements between descriptions of the various summaries such that the paper interweaves all the articles into a coherent and well-articulated review of scholarly publications related to the selected paper topic focus. For example, after one article summary, the statement, “Related research conducted by Jones (2011) showed that…” would be an effective means of connecting it to another summary. The paper will end with a minimum of two paragraphs summarizing points made and articulating suggestions for future research directions arising from the article reviews. 

Anger | Psychology homework help

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