Assignment 2: group counseling article critique

Assignment 2: group counseling article critique.


Select a topic in group counseling for children,with  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Select one article on the topic in a peer-reviewed counseling journal published within the past five years (e.g., Journal of Counseling & Development, The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, Journal of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, or The Professional Counselor). After reading the article, write a paper addressing the following:

  • Describe the methodology and results of the study reported in the article or write a brief summary of the concepts presented in the article.
  • Comment on whether the ideas in the article are consistent with the best practices in the field. In this evaluation, critique the article with the support of professional literature as well as your own perspective.

Your final product should be a 2 1/2-page Microsoft Word document. Be sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the most current APA format.

Assignment 2: group counseling article critique

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