Book review (one page) | Article writing homework help

Book review (one page) | Article writing homework help.

This essay is not a “book report” but rather a personal analysis, critique, or commentary on what the student learned and/or agreed/disagreed with. The student must review the book list and select a book. The student must not change their book selection. Grading will include grammar and spelling. Essays to be printed using:

 *Arial 12 point

* double spaced,

* One complete page (maximum and minimum of 1 page). 

*No title page is allowed. 

*Citations are not required. 

book list to choose from: 

*The Salton Sea: An Account of Harriman’s fight with the Colorado River, George Kennan, 1917 (History of the formation of the Salton Sea) 

*Cadillac Desert, Mark Reisner, 1984 (The plight of water supply in Southern California) 

*The King of California: J. G. Boswell and the Making of a Secret American Empire, Max Arax and Rick Wartzman, 2004 (Development of irrigation in California’s Central Valley Tulare Lake)

* Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, 1962 (The environmental impact of pesticides) *Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, James Lovelock, 1979 (The relation between atmosphere and biosphere) 

*The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back, James Lovelock, 2006 (The Earth’s climate crisis) 

*Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, Al Gore, 1991 (Contemporary environmental awareness) 

*An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming, Al Gore, 2004 (Public awareness on global climate change) 

*The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, Spencer Wells, 2002 (The history and development of early humankind)

Book review (one page) | Article writing homework help

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