Changing notions | IRLS402 | American Military University

Changing notions | IRLS402 | American Military University.

 What do Orsini  et al.’s work add to the earlier works on international regimes.  How have understandings changed or evolved, if at all?

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. 

Assigned Readings:


International Regimes

Silverburg, Sanford(ed).  International law: contemporary issues and future developments. Part 2 

This reading provides information on international law.

Krasner, Stephen.Structural causes and regime consequences: Regimes as intervening variables!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMwZZ1NCwIhEIYlOlRL_yDCewjqfneNIuhYncVVF4ItAqPf34y6EXRV8SAyzjCvz7sgS43a7Mcr_OGyJHUSA6YZHSHhDmFi0bSSTwLLVDBMEqZBisEZzs_GUCoK0c7J6RxQqoihoEZD8e4pVNkUnQvujpof1fE2DcICT29JNAhPAH1D4YlfkXxGrof9ZXdkyWqAGQFJCDMldzxvete3Loew3otOdpD82NoiAE7nvOW6qqwpkHdVN5XrrKubskbeVtGjOcI67jsGdGWHQQl0hpISC8GMrOKCoHpUz8iSUBLbjBItuzZx-gt4UOkyefV3bvkHxI5kqw

This reading introduces the idea of regimes as intervening variables. 

Ruggie, John Gerard. 1992. Multilateralism: the anatomy of an institution.  19!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMwZV3BCsIwDB3iQQW_QIXdpbIuK-u8iuIH6Ll0XQuDbYrbxb83aasXb4VHcyghpLy8vFWy1jSbPUxew9UkkUn0a5rJERJzKPBdwGd-lyln1CTM_ShGxghffEspL3i1TA5ei9ppkuR27dgfU4yf6gF_pf07fTg8pm2k1lsiGu-X8-10ZdFNgJkc2xqmrQRj67KooRZkxGSFlOBMngFY6zT2OS43lkx0BBjdmCYvSycqyKTVlSFZzybE_dZs1XSd8swtkOfWLqBU2BVlx_TSBmFBzhbEa28D7qce1TPsklB4mywcEd4H-LfgQcVkGtXfu8EH15hjNw

This article discusses regimes and multilateralism 

Orsini, Amandine, Jean-Frédéric Morin, and Oran Young. Regime Complexes: A buzz, a boom, or a boost for global governance?. 9

This article introduces the idea of regime complexes. 

Video: The Justice Cascade

Changing notions | IRLS402 | American Military University

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