Qualitative findings and social work interventions | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University

Qualitative findings and social work interventions | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University.

Evidence-based social work practice calls for the use of research data to guide the development of social work interventions on the micro, mezzo and/or macro-levels. Kearney (2001) described ways qualitative research findings can inform practice. Qualitative findings can help social workers understand the clients’ experiences and “what it may feel like” (Kearney, 2001). Therefore, social workers can develop clinical interventions that take into account the experiences of their clients. Qualitative findings can also help social workers monitor their clients. For example, if after reading a qualitative study on how domestic violence survivors respond to stress, they can monitor for specific stress behaviors and symptoms (Kearney, 2001). In addition, they can educate their client what stress behaviors to look for and teach them specific interventions to reduce stress (Kearney, 2001).

Given the increasing diversity that characterizes the landscape in the United States, social workers need to take into account culture when formulating interventions. Social workers can utilize qualitative findings to plan interventions in a culturally meaningful manner for the client.


To prepare for this Discussion, read (ATTACHED) Knight et al.’s (2014) study from this week’s required resources. Carefully review the findings, the photographs, and how the researchers wrote up the findings. Finally, review the specific macro-, meso-, and micro-oriented recommendations.

Then read Marsigilia and Booth’s (ATTACHED) article about how to adapt interventions so that they are culturally relevant and sensitive to the population the intervention is designed for. Finally, review the chapter written by Lee et al. on conducting research in racial and ethnic minority communities.

Post the following:

  1. Using one of the direct quotes and/or photos from Knight et al.’s study (ATTACHED), analyze it by drawing up a tentative meaning. Discuss how this would specifically inform one intervention recommendation you would make for social work practice with the homeless. This recommendation can be on the micro, meso, or macro level.
  2. Next, explain how you would adapt the above practice recommendation that you identified so that it is culturally sensitive and relevant for African Americans, Hispanics, or Asian immigrants. (Select only 1 group). Apply one of the cultural adaptations that Marsigilia and Booth (ATTACHED)  reviewed (i.e., content adaption to include surface and/or deep culture, cognitive adaptations, affective-motivational adaptations, etc.)(pp. 424-426). Be as specific as you can, using citations and the attached reading resources to support your ideas.

Qualitative findings and social work interventions | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University

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