Socw-6060 & 6443-w11-discussions | Psychology homework help

Socw-6060 & 6443-w11-discussions | Psychology homework help.

Discussion 1: Integrative Theories – A Correlation 

The characteristics of culture, behavior, identity, and presenting issues are unique to each one of your clients. As result, it is unlikely that one social work or integrative theory will account for every aspect of your client’s situation. How might a variety of theories, when considered together, help you gain a richer understanding of your client?  You have examined a variety of theories throughout this course. How might recognizing the potential correlations between theories affect the work you do with clients? How might those potential correlations help you better understand and incorporate a broader variety of theories in your practice? 


For this Discussion, review the resources used throughout this course. Select a theory different from the one you chose for your final project. 


o   Post a brief description of the theory you selected.


o   Then, explain any correlations you might draw between the theory examined here and the theory you selected for your final project. 


References (use 2 or more)




Discussion 2: The Role of Social Work Theory in Future Social Work Practice

Now that you have examined various theory types and theories that inform the basis of social work practice, what insights have you gained from that examination? How might you apply the knowledge you gained in this course to the next course you take? How might this knowledge inform your future social work practice? You began this course with an examination of theory types and what they meant in terms of how you use theory. Has exposure to specific theories over the last several weeks changed your perspective on the theory type that most appeals to you? If so, what has triggered that change? You might recall that some theories answer the question “why,” while others provide a framework for treatment, based on answers to the question “why”. What theory resonates with you most after a closer analysis of numerous social work and integrative theories? Does that theory coincide with the theory type that appealed to you in Week 1? How might the appeal of some theories and your ability to be flexible in understanding and applying them influence your social work practice?


For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Think about the theories you examined in this course and consider any insights you gained as a result of examining them. Select the theory that most appeals to you and then reflect on the theory type you selected as being the most appealing in Week 1 (micro, meso, macro, scientific theory, perspective, paradigm, model, and ideology). If the theory you selected no longer aligns with the theory-type you selected in Week 1, think about why that might be the case. If the theory you select now is represented by the theory type you selected in Week 1, be prepared to defend why that theory type still appeals to you most. Finally, consider how your insights regarding the theories helped prepare you for your next course and your future social work practice. 


o   Post a brief summary of the important social theory insights you gained from this course.


o   Describe the theory type you selected in Week 1 (MICRO THEORY) and the theory that appeals to you most among all those covered in this course.


o   Then explain whether or not that theory type still appeals to you in relation to the theory you selected, and why.

o   If it no longer appeals to you, include a description of which theory type now appeals to you more and explain, why.


o   Finally, explain how these insights helped prepare you for your next course and your future social work practice.


References (use 2 or more)



Discussion 3: Questions and Controversies for Social Change

Professionals often find it hard to think beyond the daily challenges of any field. Immediate demands prevent opportunities to reflect on ideas for change that might benefit people and communities. However, the need for social change permeates the work that mental health professionals do on a daily basis. How important is it for mental health professionals to find the time to advocate for social change? How can mental health professionals make a difference in the lives of people beyond their own clients?

For this Discussion, reflect on the question or controversy you selected for your final paper. Consider how this may present an opportunity for social change.


o   Post an explanation of how the question or controversy intersects clinical psychopharmacology and the mental health profession.


o   Explain how addressing the question or controversy might be an area for social change.


o   If possible, integrate lessons learned from the “Scholars of Change” videos into your reflection.


References (use 2 or more)


Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.


Walden University (n.d.). Social change. Retrieved June 3, 2014, from 



Discussion 4: Cultural and Contextual Considerations

Mental health professional’s appreciation for culture and context extend beyond general understandings of people grouped by factors like ethnicity and sexual orientation. Mental health professionals invest in understanding the deep, underlying components of all the things that come together to make our clients who they are.

When culture and context are at odds with societal norms and hegemonic expectations, mental health professionals may need to work with clients to help instill and utilize resources to cope with the possibility of negative messages from society. In addition, mental health professionals work together with clients, for clients, and with other professionals to make changes. Consider how collaborating with others promotes positive changes in client well-being. How might collaboration through advocacy result in alternative approaches for addressing cultural or contextual considerations in treatment recommendations?

For this Discussion, view the media “Multicultural and Contextual Considerations Case Study: Marisol”in the Learning Resources. Consider new and alternative methods that mental health professionals could use to advocate for Marisol. (Transcript attached)


o   Postan explanation of how you would advocate for clients like Marisol.

o   Explain at least one strategy as a mental health professional you could facilitate culturally and contextually ethical treatment of clients.


References (use 3 or more)



Laureate Education (Producer). (2012e). Multicultural and contextual considerations case study: Marisol[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Autho

Socw-6060 & 6443-w11-discussions | Psychology homework help

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