standard cell potential
A standard cell has a cell notation / diagram of:
Fe(s) | Fe+2(aq) (1M) || Sn+4(aq) (1M), Sn+2(aq) (1M) | Pt
The half – cell reactions are listed below:
Sn+4(aq) + 2e- –> Sn+2(aq) E° = 0.154 V
Fe+2(aq) + 2e- –> Fe(s) E° = -0.409 V
a. What is the standard cell potential for this cell?
b. What is the cathode of the cell?
c. What is the anode of the cell?
d. How many electrons are being transfered?
e. Write the balanced electrochemical reactions?
f. What is the oxidizing agent of the cell?
g. What is the reducing agent?