SOLUTION: SOCW 6135 Walden Professional Competence and Due Care Discussions

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Outline Walden SOCW Discussion
Discussion 1
o The ethical code guiding me in my profession is “professional competence and due
care,” while the research standard I always practice is “informed consent.” I know
that research in criminal behavior is sensitive and needs total competence to achieve
the goals, and this is why I am always guided by my ethical code of professional
competence and due care.
o Respecting the research standard of informed consent has always guided my
research activities. Whenever I plan to research specific criminal behavior, I always
inform the subjects before commencing my research. I always acknowledge that
the research participants have the right to know why they are involved in the
Discussion 2
o Laub (2006) describes various challenges resulting in the futility of the research
concerning criminal behaviors. One of the specific challenges mentioned in the
article is the incompetence of criminologists. According to Laub (2006), the
assertions that criminologists make concerning the crime’s cause are always not
consistent with the data collected
o Another challenge that most researchers encounter is the lack of first-hand
information from the criminals. Kubrin asserts that, as opposed to clinicians,
sociologists rely on FBI reports, self-survey reports, and victi…

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