SOLUTION: State University of New York Rothman Social Action Model Discussion

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Discussion question


Question 1

Rothman’s social action model for community organization highlights three points
namely, social action, social reform, and solidarity organizing (Rothman, 2007). The
predominant social action point emphasizes that a marginalized or disadvantaged group should
use pressure and demands to enforce social justice. This point entails the use of radical measures
such as picketing, civil disobedience, and disruptive action to advocate for change. Hence, it
actively involves some level of conflict. The social reform strategy views the use of purely
disruptive tactics as unproductive and proposes the combination of data-informed planning and
deep commitment to social advocacy. It involves the use of sophisticated activism, such as media
exposure or the legislation of issues regarding child abuse, domestic violence, and other social
ills to enforce change. Hence, this method relies on a blend of well-researched data and activism
to advocate for social justice. The solidarity organizing relies on the power of unions to highlight
social problems and collectively push for change. Aggrieved people come together in solidarity
to challenge authorities towards resolving existing problems in society. Hence, this model
emphasizes on collaboration, unity, and team spirit to foster change.
All the three points involve some level of conflict between the marginalized group and
the relevant governing authorities. Although Singapore’s over-sensitivity towards conflict might
hamper efforts to advocate for change, especially under the predominant social action archetype
that involves radical action, unified collaboration can effectively enforce change without
resorting to outright conflict. For instance, a marginalized community facing unequal educational
opportunities can advocate for change by pressuring legislators to amend education laws
through social media action, peaceful demonstrations, and the use of relevant unions. Hence,



Singapore’s over-sensitivity to conflict does not entirely inhibit change because there are
multiple alternatives to effective problem resolution.
Question 2 a
The PREPARE model helps social workers to make informed decisions about their social
work practice and intervention strategy at the macro-level (Kirst-Ashman, 2017). Problem
identification involves gathering data to understand the nature and scope of the problem. It is a
fundamental step in articulating issues and deciding on what problems to tackle. Next, the social
worker reviews their macro and personal reality. This involves a rational assessment of ones
beliefs, attitudes, and convictions towards pursuing change. Upon assessing personal attributes,
the social worker should establish the primary goals by eliminating unnecessary needs and
determining which needs to address. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-bound to ensure that the purpose of intervention is clarified.
Next, the social worker should …

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